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Managing Your Ambulatory Testing Locations

It's easy to connect ambulatory testing locations with TELCOR.
We connected our first ambulatory in 2010 and now we connect to thousands of ambulatory locations.

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 Everything, Everywhere Point of Care™ 

Why It's Important to Connect

Point of care (POC) testing has increased significantly in the last 20 years.

With more transportable and handheld instruments available, POC testing has moved beyond the walls of the hospital to alternative testing locations including the workplace, disaster care, convenience clinics, plus ambulatory locations such as outpatient surgery centers, physicians’ offices, dialysis centers, and other care centers.

Reporting all patient testing to your EHR using your accepted interface rules and customizations is the gold standard. Not only can you capture laboratory results to complete the healthcare picture and drive better patient outcomes, but you can also collect the data necessary to improve compliance in your testing locations.

Additional tests at ambulatory locations might include:

Blood gases

Cardiac markers
Manual tests